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Firm Peer Review Process

All firms will utilize PRIMA, a web-based platform for the AICPA Peer Review Program, to complete all steps in the peer review process.  PRIMA is open to AICPA and non-AICPA members enrolled in the Program.  For a listing of PRIMA help articles, please click here.

PEER REVIEW INFORMATION - The Peer Review Information (PRI) case generates in PRIMA approximately 6 months prior to the firm review due date.  The firm will verify contact information, managing partner & peer review contact details as well as enter in engagements performed in their peer review year.  (click here for PRI instructions).  If the firm knows their reviewer information, they can do directly to scheduling or complete scheduling at a later date.
SCHEDULING – Upon completion of the PRI, the firm will complete the Scheduling (SCH) task.  We recommend that prior to starting the SCH task that the firm have already contacted their reviewer with an agreed upon timeline for the completion of the review.  The selection of a reviewer is the responsibility of the firm.  (click here to view a listing of qualified reviewers) Once scheduling is completed the task will go to the reviewer to acknowledge independence and then to the Administering Entity (AE) for final approval with an approval notification coming from  Note that the review should not commence until the AE has approved the SCH case and the firm has received the approval notification.  (click here for SCH instructions).
REVIEW – After scheduling, any engagement review case will be routed to the peer review contact in PRIMA to complete the engagement summary (click here for instructions on how to complete this step).  For system reviews, the review case will be immediately routed to the team captain.  During the review process the team / review captain will maintain communication with the firm and should submit the workpapers by the due date as shown in PRIMA.
ADMINISTRATIVE / TECHNICAL REVIEW – Once the team / review captain submits the review in PRIMA the AE will perform an administrative review to ensure all required documents have been submitted and then submitted to technical review.  The technical reviewer will ensure the review was completed according to the Standards and will work with the reviewer on any updates that are required.  Note the technical reviewer has 120 days, per guidance, from the workpaper submission date to have the review placed on a RAB (Report Acceptance Body) agenda for acceptance consideration.
RAB / COMMITTEE PROCESS – Once the review has gone through technical review it will be placed on the next available RAB / Committee agenda for acceptance consideration.  The RAB will review all documents and determine what, if any, changes may be required.  Firms can expect the acceptance letter within 14 days of the RAB / Committee meeting.  The letter will state if the firms’ review has been closed or if there is a corrective action or implementation plan that needs to be completed.  For a RAB / Committee meeting schedule, click here.
CORRECTIVE ACTION (COA) / IMPLEMENTATION PLAN (IMP) – If there are required corrective actions or an implementation plan, the firm will need to complete the actions as noted in the acceptance letter.  (click here for COA instructions and here for IMP instructions).  Once the COA / IMP has been fully completed and approved the firm will receive a final completion letter and the review will be closed.